These terms govern your rights and obligations as an app user.
You must accept them to use the app. If you continue to use the app after reading them, we will assume that you agree to these terms.
This app is the official information and communication channel for mobile devices for the Montclar resort, belonging to the company SAS montclar domaine skiable with 83228738700019, located at Point Accueil de Montclar, Bâtiment Communal 04140 MONTCLAR.
We use geolocation to provide further context to information. In this case, the app will clearly ask you if you want to share your location. You can withdraw this consent at any time.
If you consent, you can receive instant messages and advertising related to skiing and mountain activities in general.
The data required for Montclar features (excluding Skitude features) is processed by SAS montclar domaine skiable
You can contact the data protection officer of Montclar by writing to: or Point Accueil de Montclar, Bâtiment Communal 04140 MONTCLAR
You are entitled to access your data, know how it is processed, correct any mistakes, or ask for it to be erased, ask to transfer your data (data portability), object to its processing and request restricted processing, as well as simply withdraw your consent.
To exercise your data protection rights, you can contact SAS montclar domaine skiable at Point Accueil de Montclar, Bâtiment Communal 04140 MONTCLAR or send an email to , giving the reference ‘GDPR’.
Data protection law also establishes your entitlement to file a complaint with the data protection authorities.
When you use this app, we can obtain data from:
Data provided by the user: Specific data is provided by the user, such as their username, password, email, settings, etc.
Data obtained from SAS montclar domaine skiable: Data obtained when you register for our services, make purchases, or take part in our loyalty programmes.
Data obtained from the device: This app uses device location, the camera and identifying details provided by the operating system. The app also gathers and sends analytical usage information through cookies and other local storage devices.
Data generated by using the app: This app generates information on usage which is required for its operation and customisation, as well as for analytics on usage and diagnosis.
Data from Skitude: This app includes social, gamification and skiing features provided by Skitude. The use of Skitude features requires disclosure of the data required for operation and integration with the app.
Data from other services: This app includes features provided by other companies, such as authentication services (i.e., Facebook authentication), interaction with social media and payment services. The use of these features requires disclosure of the data required for operation and integration with the app.
Data is used to provide you with our services for as long as the service lasts, and after that, during the liability periods.
To send you advertising, and other optional features, we will ask for your consent.
In accordance with our legal obligations, and for the legally established liability periods, we can keep and share your information with third parties, including legal, public or government agencies, private litigants, within or outside your country of residence, as well as to respond to court orders, warrants, subpoenas and other legal or regulatory processes.
User, activity, and usage information: Linked to your registration, the app gathers basic information like your full name, email address, date of birth, gender, and country. This information allows us to customise and secure the service.
Contact information: Contact information will be used to respond to your requests for technical assistance and comments.
Location information: We use precise geolocation services to provide further context to information. In this case, the app will clearly ask you if you want to share your location. Location is also used for the Skitude features included in the app.
Payment features: Whenever you make a payment (including Skitude paid services) through the app, providing information such as your card number or other payment details, we use secure payment services, and we do not store your card information.
Cookies, local storage, and analytics: The app gathers and sends analytical usage information through cookies and other local storage devices. The analytics provider is Firebase Google Analytics / Crashlytics, a service which allows us to gather anonymous information to analyse app use and resolve technical issues, based on the Google Universal Analytics privacy policy:
App notifications: When you agree to allow the app to send your notifications, you agree to receive marketing information and Skitude information through them. If you do not agree, you can disable app notifications.
Advertising: We can include advertising in the app. We can also send you marketing information (email or app notifications). If you agree, we can customise information based on your profile, including your Skitude profile.
Skitude features: This app includes Skitude features. There is more information in the corresponding section.
For Skitude features, the data controller is Skitude. You can find more information on the terms of use and data protection at Below we provide information on the features included in this app.
Skitude account information: In relation to your registration for the Skitude service, the app gathers basic information like your full name, username, email address, password, date of birth, gender, and country. This information allows us to customise and secure the service.
Contact information: Contact information will be used to respond to your requests for technical assistance and comments, as well as to help you recover access to Skitude if you forget your password.
Location information: Skitude asks to share location to provide contextual information, plus for the Skitude tracks function.
Skitude profile, activity, and use: We gather information from the Skitude profile, activities and use when a track or photo is registered in Skitude (including the date, time, and information on geographic location, as well as statistics), when you take part in a Skitude challenge, you view other people’s activities, or you use Skitude services in any other way. We use your profile information and interactions to customise your experience, notifications and Skitude information.
Information and content shared in the Skitude service: The social and gamification aspect of the Skitude platform requires you to share specific profile information which will be visible to other platform users (including your name, avatar, and tracks, ranking, etc.) and which can be viewed in general by all internet users, as well as search engines which could compile Skitude information. We recommend that you do not share information on the platform which is private, sensitive or which you do not wish to disclose. You can choose to have a private profile and activity, share it with all platform users, or make it public.
Surveys and Likes: Skitude can obtain more information about you from third parties, as well as when we gather your comments through surveys, or when other users ‘like’ your activity.
Third-party accounts: You can register and log in to Skitude using your Facebook and Google accounts. These platforms allow you to generate, send and store your own data and content through the app, subject to prior registration and acceptance of the terms of use of each platform.
Camera: Skitude can use your device’s camera to upload photos to your Skitude profile.
Advertising: Skitude features can include advertising. We can also send you marketing information (email or app notifications). We can customise information based on your Skitude profile.
Accuracy of geographic information: Geographic information is for guidance purposes only. Common sense should always be applied in situations of real risk. Similarly, for technical reasons, apps might not show updated information at any time. As a result, Montclar will not be held liable regarding any of these circumstances.
This app can include the GPS navigation service with audio guide for skiers, which is specifically designed to be used on the resort’s tracks in order to improve user experience and safety.
This online service through the app is provided by Skitude based on the track maps provided by Montclar.
Although we endeavour to ensure that navigation features and data are correct, please remember that errors and inaccuracies are possible. Check navigation information against the resort’s signs, which will always take priority.
By using this feature, you will not hold Montclar or Skitude liable for any inaccurate or incorrect data.
This app could include a promotions or vouchers service. Promotions and vouchers are managed and approved by Montclar or Skitude. This service will be open in some cases and require prior registration in other cases.
As a User, you are required to use our services correctly, diligently, and lawfully, which means
You will use the services for the reasons for which they were designed, and you will not use the Site and/or its content for any purpose contrary to the law, public order, morality or generally accepted standards of decency; this means you cannot host, store, disclose, publicise, distribute or share any material or information which is illegal, racist, obscene, pornographic, abusive, defamatory, misleading or fraudulent, or use the service to defame, intimidate, threaten or harass other users or infringe their image rights
Montclar will not be held liable for content or images posted by users, although if it identifies any content which is not suitable for publication, Montclar reserves the right to delete it as soon as it comes to its attention
This app uses the following open-source libraries:
Library |
Link |
AFNetworking | |
ALRadialMenu | |
AppAuth | |
Bagel | |
Cache | |
Charts | |
DAPageControlView | |
Diagnostics | |
FBSDKCoreKit | |
FBSDKLoginKit | |
Firebase | |
Gallery | |
Google-Maps-iOS-Utils | |
GoogleMaps | |
GoogleSignIn | |
GoogleToolboxForMac | |
GoogleUtilities | |
GTMAppAuth | |
GTMSessionFetcher | |
Imaginary | |
InAppSettingsKit | |
IQKeyboardManagerSwift | |
ISO8601 | |
JSONModel | |
LCBannerView | |
libwebp | |
Lightbox | |
MarketingCloudSDK | |
MaterialComponents | |
MDFTextAccessibility | |
NYTPhotoViewer | |
PESGraph | |
PopupDialog | |
PromisesObjC | |
Protobuf | |
Realm | |
SDWebImage | |
SDWebImageWebPCoder | |
SMCalloutView | |
sqlite3 | |
surveymonkey-ios-sdk | |
SVPullToRefresh | |
SVWebViewController | |
SwiftLint | |
UIView+Border | |
Zipper | |
nanopb | |
EventBus | |
Material Design | |
Constraint Layout | |
Jetpack (Android X) | |
Volley | |
Firebase | |
GsonFire | |
Glide | |
BottomNavigation | |
Scale ImageView | |
Debug Database | |
TapTargetView | |
Action Buttons | |
ThreeTenABP | |
Scroll Pager | |
Cookie Bar | |
StfaIconImageViewer | |
Apache commons lang | |
Semver | |
BarCode Scanner | |
HyperLog | |
Apache commons io | |
Retrofit | |
Circle ImageView | |
Page Indicator | |
_sdp | |
Survey Monkey | |
Page Indicator | |
Please note that this app might be sponsored by one or several commercial brands. If not, Montclar reserves the right to add sponsors without prejudice to either of the parties.
Montclar reserves the right to amend the ToU at any time, as well as the features offered through the app. Montclar agrees to notify this change through the most suitable medium.
These Terms, as well as the relations between Montclar and users, will be governed by the laws of France, without prejudice to any other mandatory regulation determined by another applicable law, and with regards to the level of protection established by mandatory provisions of the consumer’s country of residence. Both parties agree to refer to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of France. The courts with jurisdiction over the consumer’s address shall also apply.
Moreover, given that this app includes Skitude features, please note that relations between Skitude and users are governed by the following terms of use: With regards to consumer rights, the courts with jurisdiction over the consumer’s address shall apply.